Baby sling instruction

Baby Sling Guide

How to Tie Woven Wrap - tying instructions Flat Knot

1) Place one strand of the baby sling under the other
2) Next, bring the bottom strand over the top one and pass it through the middle.
3) Tighten the knot by pulling the strands outward to the sides.
4) Cross the strand that hangs downward from the knot, leading it under the other strand.
5) Bring the bottom strand over the top one and pass it through the middle again.
6) Grab both ends of the wrap and pull tightly.
7) Your flat knot is now complete.

How to Tie Baby Sling - Pocket Wrap Cross Carry (suitable from 0+)

1) Grab the wrap at the top rail, positioning the middle in front of you.
2) Gather one half of the wrap’s width in your hand, wrap it around your waist, and grab the fabric behind your back to form a pocket.
3) Slide your free hand under the wrap at your back and grab the top rail of the opposite strand.
4) Cross the strands behind your back and bring them to the front.
5) Place the strands over your shoulders so the top rails are near your neck, and the bottom rails rest on the outer edges of your shoulders. Ensure the wrap is evenly spread and not twisted.
6) Adjust the pocket in front to create space for your baby.
7) Hold your baby on your shoulder as you would for burping, supporting them with one hand. Use your free hand to guide the wrap strand over your baby’s legs.
8) Slide your baby onto your chest while pulling the top rail of the wrap up over their back.
9) Position the top rail near your baby’s ear for support.
10) Tuck the bottom part of the wrap between you and your baby, ensuring the fabric on their back is smooth.
11) Tighten the wrap by pulling the top rail of the strand closest to you to the side and guiding it under your baby’s bottom. Repeat with the other strand.
12) Gradually tighten the wrap on both sides, working downwards, keeping tension even. Always hold the fabric under your baby’s bottom.
13) Pull any loose fabric at your baby’s legs toward your back.
14) Adjust the outer part of the opposite strand to tighten any remaining loose fabric.
15) Cross the strands under your baby’s bottom without twisting, ensuring the fabric supports their thighs and sit bones.
16) Lead the strands under your baby’s legs and tie securely behind your back with a double knot.
17) Check your baby’s position: knees at hip height, hands bent naturally, face uncovered, and wrap tight enough to support their bottom and thighs. Ensure your baby is symmetrically positioned for proper alignment and comfort.

How to Tie Woven Baby Wrap - Kangaroo Carry (suitable from 0+)

1) Grab the wrap at the top rail, ensuring the middle is positioned in front of you.
2) Gather the wrap from the top to the bottom rail, folding it like an accordion.
3) Place the wrap on your shoulders and lower its middle to the level of your belly button. Ensure the fabric is evenly spread and free of twists.
4) Rest your baby on your shoulder and slide your free hand under the wrap.
5) Gently sit your baby on the wrap, supporting them at all times.
6) With one hand supporting your baby, use the other hand to pull the top rail of the wrap and stretch it over your baby’s back up to their neck. Smooth the fabric along your baby’s back and pull any excess downward toward the bottom. Ensure the top rail near your baby’s neck is also close to your neck.
7) Tuck the bottom part of the wrap between you and your baby. Ensure the fabric spans evenly from one popliteal fossa (the back of the knee) to the other.
8) Slide your hand under the wrap tail near your shoulder, grab the top rail (the one close to your neck), and some of the fabric. Turn it inside out to create a “sleeve.”
9) Repeat Step 8 on the other side.
10) Reach behind your back with one hand, grab the rail of the opposite wrap tail, and pull it diagonally across your body to the front.
11) Slide your hand under the wrap to grab the other rail and ensure the fabric spreads evenly along your forearm.
12) Repeat Steps 10 and 11 on the opposite side.
13) Tighten the top rail (forming the “sleeve”) starting with the strand closer to your body. Pull it to the side, using small shoulder movements to help. Repeat this step on the other side.
14) Gradually tighten each strand piece by piece, supporting your baby’s bottom as you do so.
15) Once tightened, tie a flat knot directly under your baby’s bottom.
16) Ensure your baby is positioned symmetrically: knees should be at hip height, hands bent naturally, and face uncovered. Check that the wrap is tight enough and properly supports your baby’s bottom and thighs.

How to Tie Woven Wrap - Front Wrap Cross Carry (from 4 months+)

1) Place the wrap behind your back so that the middle is positioned at the center of your back, near the lower back (loins).
2) Gather the wrap from top to bottom, folding it like an accordion.
3) Bring one wrap strand to the front and place it over your opposite shoulder. Ensure the strand is not twisted. Repeat with the other strand on the opposite side.
4) You should now have the first "X" formed across your torso. Insert your thumbs into the strands on both sides and pull them down to hip height. Adjust the height as needed.
5) Fold your hands together and place them inside the wrap to move the formed cross to the level of your belly button.
6) Reach behind your back with one hand to grab the top rail of the strand closest to your body. Bring it to the front.
7) Repeat Step 6 with the other strand. Gather the fabric of both strands in your hands, forming another "X" on your back.
8) Tie the wrap in front of you with a single knot.
9) Rest your baby on your shoulder where the outer wrap strand is placed (similar to burping). Slide your free hand under the wrap strand and guide one of your baby’s legs under it. Repeat the process with the other leg by resting your baby on the opposite shoulder.
10) Sit your baby on the wrap with both legs positioned symmetrically. Ensure the wrap strands pass through your baby’s popliteal fossae (behind the knees).
11) Stretch the inner wrap strand over your baby’s entire back.
12) Slide your hand under the outer wrap strand and spread it thoroughly over your baby’s whole thigh, reaching the popliteal fossa.
13) Ensure the fabric on your baby’s back is smooth and free of creases.
14) Untie the single knot and begin tightening the wrap. Start with the strand closer to your body, pulling the outer rail of the strand tightly.
15) Tighten the wrap piece by piece downward on both sides. Ensure your baby is symmetrically positioned: knees at hip height, hands bent naturally, face uncovered, and the wrap tight enough to support their bottom and thighs.
16) Lead the wrap strands under your baby’s legs and tie a flat (double) knot securely beneath your baby’s bottom.
17) Tying a baby sling is ready.

How to use Ring Sling

1. Lay the sling over your shoulder so the rings are in front of your body and the tail hangs down your back.
2. Hold the rings with one hand. Slide your other hand under the sling and grab the bottom rail.
3. Pull the bottom rail to the front, creating a twist on your back. The outer rail will now become the top rail, which will sit near your baby’s neck. Gather the sling like an accordion, keeping the top rail aligned.
4. Feed the gathered fabric from the bottom through both rings.
5. Adjust the length of the loop so the sling hangs approximately at hip height.
6. Feed the sling over the top ring and under the bottom ring.
7. Adjust the fabric within the rings so the rails are visible and the fabric is evenly gathered.
8. Rest your baby on the shoulder opposite the rings and guide their legs under the sling strand.
9. Sit your baby on the sling so the fabric runs under their thighs and bottom.
10. Pull the top rail of the sling up to your baby’s ear. Ensure your baby’s hands are bent, and that they are not straightened under your armpit. Check that both of your baby’s shoulders are covered by the sling.
11. While gently swaying forward, slide your hand under your baby’s leg (on the ring side) to grab the bottom rail of the sling. Tuck any excess fabric under your baby’s bottom, ensuring the fabric on their back is smooth and free from creases.
12. Bring the loose fabric from your baby’s neck and shoulders toward the rings.
13. Tighten the fabric from the top rail, focusing on the area near your baby’s shoulders.
14. Tighten the sling diagonally, piece by piece, ensuring even tension.
15. Check the fabric tension across your back and adjust any loose areas.
16. Ensure your baby is positioned symmetrically: knees at hip height, hands bent, face uncovered, and the fabric tight enough to support their bottom and thighs.
The ring sling is suitable for babies weighing 3–20 kg, including newborns. For small babies who cannot yet hold their head up, position them in the center of your chest or slightly to the side. Ensure their legs are bent and slightly apart, but not excessively wide. Pay close attention to the symmetry of their position.

For older babies, the sling can be worn on your hip, allowing their legs to wrap comfortably around your side. Since the ring sling places asymmetrical strain on your spine, remember to alternate the shoulder you use to carry your baby.

Caution & Warnings

Read and follow all instructions before using this baby sling.

WARNING Constantly monitor your child and ensure that their mouth and nose remain unobstructed.
WARNING For pre-term, low birthweight babies, and children with medical conditions, seek advice from a health professional before using this product.
WARNING Ensure your child’s chin is not resting on their chest, as this could restrict breathing and lead to suffocation.
WARNING To prevent falling hazards, ensure that your child is securely positioned in the sling.

• Always provide support until your child can hold their head up independently. Follow the instructions to ensure proper neck support for your baby.
• Be aware of hazards in the domestic environment, such as heat sources or the spilling of hot drinks.
• Never carry more than one baby at a time. Do not use more than one carrier simultaneously.
• Your movement and the movement of your child can affect your balance.
• Take care when bending, leaning forward, or leaning sideways.
• The sling is not suitable for use during sporting activities such as running, cycling, swimming, or skiing.
• Be aware of the increased risk of your child falling out of the sling as they become more active.
• Follow the washing, cleaning, and drying instructions found on the textile label on the edge of the wrap/sling.
• Regularly inspect the sling for signs of wear and damage.
• Keep the sling out of reach of children when it is not in use.

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